Alain Crozier

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NARCISSISME n. m. Amour exclusif de sa propre personne. || Psychanal. Investissement de la libido sur la personne propre.

JOURNAL n. m. Ecrit où l'on relate les faits jour par jour. || Journal de bord (Mar.) , registre dans lequel sont inscrits tous les renseignements concernant la navigation d'un navire. || Journal intime, notation, plus ou moins régulière, de ses impressions ou réflexions personnelles.

4 juillet 22:40
I'm not scared

La peur est l’ami de gourou.
Il faut rire, danser, quelque soit sa condition.
Sombrer dans des croyances n’a jamais résolu les problèmes.
L’interprétation qu’on fait est fausse quand on croit que l’irrationnel répare les dégâts.
Suite de l'article 13 mai : je n’ai pas peur

Take these dogs away from me

Your life's a mystery,
Mine is an open book
If I could read your mind,
I think
I'd take a look
I'm not scared
Baby, I don't care
What have you got to hide?
What do you need to prove?
You're always telling lies,
And that's the only truth
I don't care
Baby, I'm not scared

Tonight the streets are full of actors
I don't know why
Oh, take these dogs away from me
Before they, they bite
What have you got to say
Of shadows in your past?
I thought that, if you paid,
You'd keep them off our backs
Where do we have to be,
So I can laugh and you'll be free?
I'd go anywhere
Baby, I don't care
I'm not scared
I'm not scared

Tonight the streets are full of actors
I don't know why
Ohhh, debarrasse-moi de ces chiens
Avant qu'ils mordent, avant qu'ils mordent.
Tonight I fought
And made my mind up
I know it's right
I know these dogs still snap around me
But I can, I can fight

If I was you, if I was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do
If I was you, if I was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do
If I was you, if I was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do
If I was you, if I was you
I wouldn't treat me the way you do

I'm not scared
Baby, I don't care
I'd go anywhere
Baby, I'm not scared
J'ai pas peur, j'ai pas peur.
I'm not scared, baby, I'm not scared

(Written by Tennant and Lowe - 1987)

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